
B.A.G.S. - Build A Great Story

While we love to entertain bag banter in all ways possible, storytelling is the most important aspect of everything that we do. It is the connective tissue that binds all of our ideas, concepts and philosophies together.

We view this project itself as an unfolding of a great story. There will be significant plot twists and turns as we reveal the destiny for all citizens of the great BAGMI Nations.

We’re excited for you to join us on this episodic journey through the many different dimensions of The Bagaverse. We ask that you be kind to your fellow brothers and sisters of the BAGMI Nations and spread bags far and wide throughout The Bagaverse!


Think Outside of the Bag

We are fueled by the potential for innovation and aspire to build a sustainable business model not solely reliant on digital collectible royalties. In order to actualize this vision, we must reach new audiences by building bridges to ecosystems that already exist.

Rather than expecting others to adopt a lifestyle they are not yet familiar with, why not present them an offering that already fits within the comfort of their reality?

From this vantage point, it opens the door to explore further and engage in a way that is more meaningful and less contrived.